ALYNMENT - Private Networks Technology to Business Alignment for Enterprises

Ep # 19: What Shape Will Retail Renaissance Take in 2021? With Ricardo Belmar

Ashish Jain Episode 19

Covid appeared to have knocked brick-and-mortar stores dead. Will they rise like a Phoenix from the rubble aided by a raft of new technologies for experiential marketing? If the latest forecasts are to be believed, store openings in 2021 will boom. Big Box stores are taking the lead. In this podcast, we will discuss what shape will the retail renaissance take? Let’s find out! 

Our guest for the podcast is Ricardo Belmar. He is a prominent thought leader in the retail industry. He is regularly featured by major publications and actively talks about the impact of technology in retail. Ricardo was named a Top 100 Global Retail Influencer by RETHINK Retail. He recently joined Microsoft as a Senior Partner Marketing Advisor for Retail and Manufacturing. 

So, without further ado, let us welcome Ricardo Belmer and discuss the future of retail.

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